Sometimes, it is super funny how things work out. Earlier, I was having a crisis deciding where to go to school, and then somehow I came to the realization that I truly am going to Chicago. Because why not?!
It's a leap I need to take, because it really is the place I need to be, and it has always been the place I've said I was going to wind up. So, I'm diving into this truly head first.
I've decided that Depaul University will be where I'm going for undergrad, and I am nervous, elated, and still a little unsure. But to me, this means I'm making the right decision. I was the same way in 10th grade when I changed from the IB program into an arts based magnet school, and I've met some of the coolest people. I know that I'll pretty much never be without them, even as I make the boldest decision of my life.
Brandon and I at homecoming |
Brittany (AKA Vandy bound) and I before seeing Frankenstein (With Benedict as the creature) |
The three of us!
(You would never believe the number of tries it took me to get this shot, and I still look funny.
But my friends are the cutest!)
I can't wait to go off to the city, but at the same time I will miss my senior year, and the whole "top of the food chain" feeling. Which I realised has not done anything for me in any way considering I am the height of the average freshman...
Anyways. College.
I will be there soon, and I think it will be a strange feeling living on a campus that isn't completely college town-y. It's split between two campuses, one in Lincoln Park
And the other smack dab in the city. In the loop to be exact which is where everything good is from my experience. Although all of Chicago is great, I've found the loop to be where everything I like is. (Basically food.) Okay, and Grant Park. I could go on about it! It's where I want to live (Crossing my fingers I get into the University Center!!) Which will be interesting. I'm a bio major, so majority of my classes will be on the Lincoln Park campus. It's fine I can commute. I want to immerse myself in the city, but I also want to make friends. I'm worried that the University Center won't really allow me to connect with people, and let's face it, I'm not the most outgoing. So... We'll just have to see!
I just hope all goes well. I couldn't stand making the wrong decision, but this is why I'm touring it in April :)