15 September 2012

The Conundrum


Gabriel clenched his teeth feeling the porcelain slide. He took a deep breath, relaxed his jaw. "You have two choices," he said, "you can leave on your feet or on a gurney."

God, What had he gotten himself into? Before his dealings with the mob, Gabriel was a fine guy. No drama, no... Killing. He was a cop. A simple man who only wanted what was best for his family. But here he was, holding the gun to the head of a man who had done nothing to him personally. Not that the Boss cared. The Boss simply cared that the money was repaid, because if not? It would be his head feeling the cold steel of the gun. The idea was simply too much for Gabriel to process in the moment, and he began shaking uncontrollably. He looked to the floor and saw the man on his knees, crying.

He hit the man upside the head and questioned him again "What will it be?", He roared in a still shaking voice. The man begged and pleaded that he had no money. Through his broken sobs, he tried to explain that he was doing all that he could to get it. But Gabriel knew what this meant. It meant he had to kill a man who was only in the same place as himself. This man only wanted better for his family, and now his family would be left without someone to provide for them. Gabriel's mind wandered off to thinking about his own wife, and two little girls. Gabriel knew how bad the thought of having to leave them behind with nothing felt. So, He reached down and grabbed the man by his throat, pulling him to his feet.

The man tried to fight and break free from the painful grip that Gabriel had him in, but no matter how hard he tried, Gabriel's iron grip got stronger. He brought the fighting man closer to his face, and whispered in his ear "When I fire the gun, I will release you. Run." Gabriel shot a single round in the air, and released the man. He took of at lightening speed, and disappeared. Gabriel let out a long sigh. He knew he was in deep trouble, that he could never escape.

Author's Note: This idea was taken from an article with ideas about short stories. So if anyone does read this, don't accuse me of plagiarism. Thank you!